A week went by after I met Master Jim on one of my business trips. After a hot night servicing him and pleasing him in his hotel room, I was definitely ready to submit to him again. We had exchanged contact information before we parted ways so he knew how to get in contact with me. We also arranged to meet the following weekend. I assumed that we would meet on a Saturday night, I would serve him and return home. He of course had other plans.
Master texted me mid-week and told me that I was to meet him at his weekend home that Friday. As it turns out...his weekend house is in the mountains about 90 minutes from my house so it isn't a far drive. He told me there was no need to bring any clothes except the ones I wore there and that I was to plan to spend the weekend through Sunday. I have to say, that worried me a bit as I've never served a guy more than a few hours at a time. So a whole weekend, although exciting at the thought, made me a little anxious.
He emailed me the directions to his house and also some orders and reminders.
1. I was to drive to the house and arrive by 5:00 on Friday
2. The garage door would be open and I was to go in, shut the door, strip out of all of my clothes and put them on the shelf in the garage.
3. I was to enter the house and go immediately to the great room.
3. I was to enter the house and go immediately to the great room.
He reminded me of the limits I gave him and he told me that anything else I was asked to do by him would be immediately complied with or I would face a punishment. This worried me a bit as my limits were based off of not having much experience so I really did not know all that was out there people got into.
Finally Friday came. I was running a bit late from work and texted master to let him know. He said that was fine, but I would be spanked for every minute I was late! Of course, I hurried as fast as I could not wanting to endure that punishment again. A small part of me told me to turn around and go home, but my body was aching to serve Master.
Finally I arrived, much to my dismay, almost 35 minutes late! I found the house with no problem and went in and shut the garage door. I quickly stripped out of all my clothes and stepped into the house. I was nervous of course. Masters "weekend house" was a nice at probably almost 4,000 square feet. I walked down the short hall and into the great room. I smiled as I saw master and was then shocked when I saw someone else sitting in the room. Another, guy around masters age. I instinctively put my hands over my privates.
Master laughed "Your late boi".
"Yes sir, sorry sir" I said, "Work was busy and I had..."
Master cut me off "I don't care boi, those are your problems.
"Yes sir" I said. I was surprised how humiliated I felt having this exchange in the presence of Masters friend who was now grinning.
"This is Dom Eric boi. He is from California and visiting me this weekend here while on business".
"Yes sir, hello sir" I said looking at Dom Eric.
"Boi" He nodded.
"You can uncover your privates boi." Master said. "Dom Eric will be thoroughly familiar with them soon.
"yes sir" I said nervously wondering what I had gotten myself into.
"walk over there and let Eric inspect you boi" master said.
"Yes sir" I said as I walked over to where Dom Eric sat. I stood before him, quite embarrassed at this point while he looked at me. "Boi, whenever a master inspects you, you are to stand with your legs slightly apart and your hands behind your head."
"Yes sir" I said as I took the pose. "I did not know sir".
Dom Eric lifted up my cock and examined it and fondled my balls. He squeezed them a bit which hurt and I winced a bit. Dom Eric laughed at this. "Turn around boi"
I turned around so my ass was now toward him. He slapped me hard once on the ass and felt my cheeks.
"Very nice ass Jim, you did well with this one".
Master Jim laughed "Yes he has many talents".
"Bend over boi" commanded Dom Eric.
Thoroughly humiliated now, I bent over, my hands still behind my head. "Present yourself boi".
I looked at my master as I really had no idea what Dom Eric wanted. My hesitation earned me a hard slap on the ass by Dom Eric. "Present yourself" he said again.
Master laughed and said "Pull your cheeks apart slut. I see Eric will be teaching you a lot this weekend. He owns several slaves so he knows how to train well".
I reached back, turning red now, and pulled my cheeks apart so that Dom Eric could inspect my hole. He rubbed his thumb on my hole, which made my cock jump which both of them laughed at. Then I felt him pushing a finger slightly in.
"Wow, tight boi" he said
"That's his best quality" Master said and laughed. "We'll see about stretching it a bit this weekend".
"Come here and kneel before me" Master Jim said.
I did as I was told immediately and knelt before him. That small act made my cock rock hard. "Look at that Jim", Eric said "He certainly knows him place and his body loves it."
Master reached down and grabbed a collar beside his chair and put it on me. He also grabbed leather cuffs for my ankles and arms and put them on. "These will make you submissive to our every whim boi".
"yes sir", I said wondering what I had gotten myself into
"Go to the fridge and get us a beer" Master Jim ordered. "We've been waiting for 40 minutes and you were late."
"Yes sir" I said, knowing I was going to be punished for that.
I found the kitchen, which was huge and opened masters state-of-the-art refrigerator and took out two beers. I opened them and took them back to the great room and gave one to each of them. I kneeled in front of master.
"Now boi, there is the issue of being late. How late were you boi".
"About 35 minutes late sir" I said.
"I think it was more like 40 minutes boi" Dom Eric said.
"Yes sir. Again I'm sorry sir."
"Sorry doesn't mean anything boi. You were late, and you have to be punished. There is a consequence for not obeying." Master Jim lectured.
"yes sir" I submitted, looking down.
"Well Eric, you want to start or shall I"? Master asked.
"He's your slut, you start." Eric said
"Lay across my lab boi", Master Jim demanded. "I'm giving you 20 and Eric will give you 20. You count after each one."
"yes sir", I answered and got up and layed across master, humiliated at someone else seeing this.
Master delivered the first swat hard and fast. I yelped and counted one. I looked over at Dom Eric who had a smile on his face and I could see the bulge in his pants. The guy looked seriously hung!
Finally, master finished. My face was flushed and my ass stung like hell. "Go to Eric". He commanded.
I got up from masters lap and went over and laid across Dom Eric's lap. Dom Eric rubbed my burning ass and then delivered his first smack. I cried out. His swat was much harder than any Master Jim had given and tears came to my eyes. I yelled "one" so not to be punished further.
Master Jim laughed. "Yes, Eric is better at spanking than I am. He has lots of practice".
Eric just laughed and continued to dole out my punishment on my burning ass. Finally, what seemed like an eternity, he finished. "Kneel boi" he demanded.
I kneeled in front of him and Master Jim joined Eric on the couch. Master pulled my hands behind my back and clipped the cuffs together so that my hands were fastened.
"Now", he said "take our shoes off".
I must have looked confused since my hands were behind my back. I started trying to maneuver around to try and remove them with my hands but master slapped me and said "with your mouth , bitch"
Master flipped on the television while I got to work on their shoes. It took a long time to finally get just one of masters shoes off. The smell of leather and of his feet made me hard instantly. Finally I worked both of his shoes off and started on Dom Erics. Dom Eric was wearing leather loafers so his were easier to work off.
"Now, carry them over to the door" he pointed.
I was only able to get one shoe in my mouth. So I picked up masters shoe and crawled on my knees to the door and dropped it. I repeated this until I had all their shoes by the door, nice and neat in a row.
"Very good boi" master said while watching the game. "get us another beer"
I went to the kitchen wondering how I was going to do that. I finally had to pick the beer up with my mouth and carry it into master and then go get Dom Erics.
"Inventive Boi" Dom Eric said. "I like a boi who can think".
"Remove our socks boi", Master said.
I pulled each one of their socks off with my mouth and kneeled again in front of them.
"Now boi, lay flat on the floor in front of us". Master said.
"Yes sir" I said.
Master Jim put his feet my cock and balls and fondled my balls with his feet.
"Worship my feet boi", Dom Eric instructed. "Anytime you find a superior persons feet on your face, you start worshipping."
"Yes sir", I said. I started licking and inhaling the scent of Dom Erics sweaty feet. They were huge, probably size 11 or 12. I had a feeling I was in for a long a weekend and it had just started.
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